The Return of the Spies
Numbers 13 to Numbers 14

In the wilderness of Paran, Moses sent twelve spies to inform the Israelites about the land of Canaan and its people..

He also told the men to bring back with them some of it’s fruits.

So the twelve men were out forty days. They brought large grapes from Eshcol so large and ripe that two of them carried it between them.

With this and other fruits they gathered, the Israelites were told that the country was fertile but powerful and warlike, making it impossible to drive them out as God had instructed.

They were giants, and lived in large cities, defended by walls. And though Caleb, a brave man, one of the spies, wished that the people should at once march forward and take it, the other spies repeated that it was impossible.

The people criticized Moses and Aaron for escorting them into the wilderness, threatening to remove Moses and select a captain to lead them back to Egypt.

Caleb, and Joshua, another of the spies, entreated them not to rebel against God; for, if they obeyed Him, He would certainly, as He had promised, give them that rich country. But the multitude only clamored the more, and were even for stoning Moses and those with him.

Then suddenly the glory of the Lord was seen in the Tabernacle; and God Himself, in His displeasure, declared that as the people would not believe him, they should no longer be His people, nor have the good land He had promised them.

Moses prayed for the Israelites’ pardon, and God agreed, but warned them that none of them, who despite witnessing great achievements in delivering them from Egypt and feeding them in the wilderness, still rebel against Him, would enter the promised land.

Only their children, together with Joshua and Caleb, should be brought into Canaan.

A simple story for your kids.

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