“Having It All” is Sweet Content, or Never.

What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

“Having it all” is a general expression, meaning all the things life has to offer; houses, cars, businesses, and so on—that’s having financial freedom. Having complete financial freedom means that you do not need another person to solve your financial and material needs. This may be unattainable.

For me, “having it all” means having sweet content; being happy and content with what I have when I have it. With such a disposition, I am as rich as I could be.  “Having it all” is therefore attainable.

Without sweet content, our struggle in life is an endless search for happiness. If we are poor and in financial crises, we thought the lower class was happy. We get to the lower class and are financially unstable, so we seek financial stability in the middle class. When we get there, we want to be financially independent. If we become independent, we seek financial freedom, and when we have that freedom, we will then realize that we’ve lost our personal freedom, privacy, and happiness. We now have restricted movements, and security guards are around us all the time. 

“Having it all” is therefore not attainable unless you are in the complete disposition of sweet content.

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