Do you remember life before the internet?

These days, people deal with reality and have a variety of choices that take care of the realities of this day. Unlike in the past, before the internet, there were few choices and lower expectations for us as schoolchildren at that time. 

We had to rely on school or public libraries for reading and research. Calls are so expensive and are paid according to distance, so we try to make long-distance calls very short. We had few friends outside our locality and overseas only because we were members of a Penpal club. Running a course overseas was like being in the post office every week to receive and revert.

As students in boarding school, we were shot off from the news because we neither had television nor could afford a newspaper, and when we return home, it is only the rich homes that have a small, portable black-and-white television set with only four channels. Others could only afford radio with only one or no local FM radio stations and two or three AM stations. 

Movies are only watched in paid movie theaters, and mail goes through post offices and takes many days, even months, to be received at the other end. We cannot do without keeping contact with a physical address book, diary, or paper datebook for appointments. Traders travel with cash at the risk of armed robbery to purchase goods.

Companies post catalogs to their prospective customers, and people travel long distances to deliver massages, especially to places where there are no telephones in their homes. It takes a telephone booth for someone who has traveled to communicate, unlike these days, when you track people through their journey to their destination.

But then, fraudsters were less, kidnappings and many other vices we saw today were less. We were less security-conscious than we are today.

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